Sunday, May 15, 2011

Table of 5 cities for underground train system

The above table shows five cities regarding the underground train system and it's compared by opening date, length and the passengers during 2010.

The oldest one was opened in London and that was in 1863  , Paris opened in 1900, Tokyo opened in 1927 and Kyoto opened in 1981, but the newest train system is in Boston, opened in 2001. London has the longest train underground system and it is 394 km, Paris has 199 km, Tokyo has 155 km, Boston has 28 km, but the shortest one is Kyoto. The highest numbers of passengers is in Tokyo and and iit deals with 192 million of passengers; Paris is the second with 189 million passengers, London came the third  with 77 million passengers, Boston has 50 million passengers, but the lowest numbers of passengers is in Kyoto with 45 million.

The table shows that London has the oldest and the longest underground train system, but Kyoto has the shortest and the smallest number of passengers. Boston has the newest train system and Tokyo has the highest number of passengers

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