Thursday, May 19, 2011

Mobile phones while driving

Talking the way a mobile phone in accordance with the research, more than the legal alcohol limit on the dangerous. And driving while talking on the mobile can not talk to people I do not think the management of the services. Now that a lot of people, to get attention, and they started to use mobile headset to talk to. Can only be dangerous, or chat by using the mobile internet, mobile conversation. The administration was using the services of more than 30 is illegal in the country. This way, I built on the advantage and disadvantage about the services used to. First of all, I have no profit to the disadvantage of other people care about the car, not using the services there, I think. For instance, they and other emergency vehicles will see what can be. Disadvantage, they may not see another way for people to walk. Transport research laboratory tests by scientists on the mobile drive under the influence of alcohol after the reaction times and stopping times than he said. No problem, really, in a letter to get sucked into driving instructions over the phone call to start over. Secondly, at the end of the phone on the driving conditions around the person can not. If you are in a dangerous situation arises about the person's car, if you can stop talking. By the end of this telephone does not appear only in how the people. At the end, I think sometimes people have to use the service, but they are allowed to use the headset to take care of. In my opinion, people who know that they can not talk, so they call on their way to put a voice message.

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