Sunday, March 20, 2011

Traffic congestion in Abu Dhabi

Abu Dhabi is a large and modern city, where there are many companies, factories, which causes traffic congestion.
 The population in Abu Dhabi has grown which means the number of cars per house has increased and each person in a family has at least two cars; most companies which are working indoors or outdoors have their own cars. If you take a look in Abu Dhabi when there is construction it will cause heavy traffic. Police report that the most serious accidents are caused by young drivers so they must educate them. Also the concentration of firms and colleges should be relocated off the island.
The best solution is to make existing roads better with bridges, tunnels and overpasses. Another solution is to educate the drivers before they get a license plus staggered startup and finishing time to avoid congestion; another thing is to relocate government offices and businesses away from the island. If there is a metro they can give offers for the companies to encourage them to use the metro. Paid parking has helped to reduce traffic congestion.
As you can see it’s hard to get the best solution but we can minimize the traffic congestion.

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Obesity in the UAE

One of the major problems in the UAE is obesity, because more than 70% of Emiratis are overweight.
 Most families face the same thing. After all of that we will see that the main reason Obesity, diet, lifestyle and education. One of the chief causes is diet. Young Emiratis eat more and more high-carbohydrate, high-fat burgers and pizza in fast-food restaurants. However, some traditional foods are also very oily, and also people are eating more without burning off by exercise.
If this happens regularly there is potential of becoming obese. Lifestyle also is one of the main reasons of obesity. As a result of cheap foreign labour, many Emiratis now have sedentary jobs, and do not exercise regularly. Obesity can lead to heart disease, diabetes, and other conditions.
Obesity or even being overweight has serious effects on the individual and the society. Both need to take action to examine the causes of this problem and find solutions