Sunday, February 20, 2011

Top Ten Date-Producing Countries, 2001

I am going to write about the top countries which were producing dates and it’s in 2001 as shown in this bar chart.
We can see that only Egypt and Iran exceeded the 800,000 tonnes and only Egypt produced over  1,000,000 .In another direction we see that Libya had the lowest production and it is less than 200,000 tonnes. The third country after Egypt and Iran is the UAE and it is producing over 750,000 tonnes and Saudi Arabia is the fourth country. Pakistan is near to Iraq’s production as the fifth country.
Algeria produced over 300,000 tonnes and it came as the sixth one. After Algeria is Oman which was producing over 200,000 tonnes and less than 250,000 tonnes and it came as the seventh country. In the end Sudan came before Libya and it produced over than 150,000 tonnes.
From that record we can see the big gap between the greatest and the lowest date production which means that 6 countries produced more than half a million tonnes and two countries produced less than 200,000 tonnes.

Sunday, February 13, 2011

Valentine's Day Gifts

I am going to write about the types of gifts that men and women in the USA buy for each other on Valentine’s Day.
From these graphs we can see that cards, candy and flowers are coming at the top of the list. Then 10% of men and 9% of women bought jewelry. The perfume/cologne came as the sixth choice.
Spa/personal was 6% and 1% for men and women respectively.
The lingerie was the last choice for both of them.
In general it was great to find that these different choices were because of the money availability of different people.    

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

UK budget in 1996

The UK government gave each section a budget which was £315 billion in 1996 and which it is shown in the given pie-chart.
Social security was the highest category and it was £100 billion. The transport gets £9 billion which mean that it was the lowest category.
Health and personal social services was £53 billion
 and education got £38 billion.In that year defence got £22 billion. Debt interest was £25 billion and other expenditure was £23 billion. Industry, agriculture and employment had £13 billion only in this high budget .Law and order got £17 billion.
Finally, different amounts of budget were given to each section to show some improvement and meet the need of the UK residents.